We list some foods that you can and can’t feed your dog, there are some that might surprise you!

X Alcohol

Dogs are particularly sensitive to alcohol and this can affect both the liver and brain function. Alcohol is so toxic to dogs that even foods cooked with alcohol can had a severe affect. Alcohol poisoning may cause vomiting, diarrhoea, respiratory issues, coma and in extreme cases may cause death.

X Avocado

Avocados contain an enzyme called persin which may cause vomiting or diarrhea in dogs. Persin can be found in the leaves, seeds, fruit and bark of the Avocado plants so ensure that your dog is kept well away Avocado trees.

YES to Biotin

Biotin is a water-soluable B vitamin which encourages a healthy coat. Biotin is essential for connective tissue and can help prolong your dog’s mobility.

X Caffeine

Caffeine from coffee, tea and other energy drinks can affect the dog’s nervous system and can be fatal, especially in small dogs and cats. The ingestion of coffee grounds, tea bags and diet pills can also cause severe problems as they contain large amounts of caffeine.

X Chocolate

Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs, but few people really understand why. The toxic component in chocolate is called theobromine. Dogs are unable to digest theobromine and it can sit in the dogs system until it reaches toxic levels. A small amount of chocolate may cause an upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhoea. Large amounts may be fatal.

YES to Devils Claw

Devil’s Claw is used in herbal medicine as an analgesic, antirheumatic and anti-inflammatory to treat long standing and acute inflammation. It may relieve joint and muscle pain and aid movement to make a worthy treatment for arthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders. It also aids in stimulating appetite and aids with indigestion.

YES to Fresh Fruits

Fresh fruit can make a healthy snack for your dog. Slices of apples, oranges, bananas, and watermelon are all safe for your dog, just make sure you take out any seeds first which can get caught in their digestive system.

YES to Glucosamine

Glucosamine contains the nutritional building blocks of cartilage and joint fluid and may help maintain, increase and provide protection for cartilage and fluid surrounding the joints, preventing breakdown.

X Milk and Other Dairy Products

Dairy products including milk and ice cream can cause digestive problems and trigger food allergies, which may lead to a dull coat and itchy skin. This is also true for cats.

X Onions and Garlic

Both onions and garlic can be very toxic to dogs as they kill their red blood cells causing anaemia. This may cause weakness, vomiting and respiratory problems.

X Raw Eggs

While the raw eggs themselves are not a problem, the veterinary medical association strongly advise against feeding raw eggs due to the risk of poisoning from bacteria like salmonella or E. coli.

X Raw Meat and Fish

Like raw eggs, raw meat and fish may contain bacteria or parasites that cause food poisoning. This may cause vomiting, fever and swelling. Most cooked fish and meats are fine.

YES to Rice and Pasta

Dogs can eat plain white rice or pasta after it’s cooked. And, a serving of plain white rice with some boiled chicken can sometimes make your dog feel better when experiencing stomach problems.

YES to Rosehips

Rosehips are a rich, natural source of biotin, antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B3, D, E and K, Omega-6, bioflavonoids, and many other nutrients. They assist with growing and maintaining healthy coat and play a role in illness prevention, recovery and injury recovery.

X Sweets and sugar

Many sugary and sweet foods such as candy, gum, baked goods and sweeteners may contain Xylitol. Ingestion of xylitol may have a severe affect on your dogs blood sugar and lead to liver failure. Early symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and coordination problems.

YES to Turmeric

Turmeric has a long history of traditional health uses across many cultures. In animals it is useful as an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, antioxidant, digestive aid, liver detoxification enhancer and has anti-tumour effects. It is great for conditions such as arthritis, stiffness and pain and to treat itchy skin conditions.

YES to Vegetables

Some vegetables make a healthy snack for you dog. Carrot sticks, green beans, cucumber slices, and zucchini slices are all examples of good vegetables. However, stay away from raw potatoes and kumara.

If you have any concerns about something your dog has consumed, contact your local vet ASAP.